1.800.597.1183 info@altruaministries.org

About Us


Loving God while Serving People

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Our Story

Altrua Ministries exists to establish a network of connectivity to the members and those outside the network for ministry, prayer, and to minister the uncompromising Word of God. We accomplish this through encouragement and counsel to both employees as well as to members when needed.

We exist philanthropically, to serve, to give and to identify mission aligned organizations to sow seed into their organizations. We establish a committee of giving to identify, in unity, ways to serve, ways to give with the understanding that sometimes, giving back doesn’t always have to be financial, but may also be done through physical involvement. We may accomplish this by establishing a volunteer program, to include organizing mission trips. All of that will be made available through the ministry to employees and members alike.

What We Do


We establish a network of connectivity to the members and those outside the network for ministry, prayer, and to minister the uncompromising Word of God.


We establish a committee of giving to identify ways to best serve our members by either sowing a seed or developing a volunteer program.


We identify mission aligned organizations to support financially. 

encourage & counsel

We provide encouragement and counsel to both employees and members.

With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place

Watch this video to get a glimpse of how Altrua Ministries has partnered with organizations to help them accomplish their mission and goals. 

Our Mission & Approach

Altrua Ministries exists to establish a network of connectivity to the members and those outside the network for ministry, prayer, and to minister the uncompromising Word of God.  We will accomplish this through encouragement and counsel to both employees as well as to members when needed.

We also exist philanthropically, to serve, to give and to identify mission aligned organizations to sow seed into their organizations.  To establish a committee of giving to identify, in unity, ways to serve, ways to give with the understanding that sometimes, giving back doesn’t always have to be financial, but may also be done through physical involvement.  We will do that through establishing a volunteer program, including organizing mission trips.  All of that will be made available through the ministry to employees and members alike.